(a brain pumping iron growing itself)
(source: Pixabay)
This is not the first time for me to be introduced to the idea of growth mindset. This is something that was presented to me during a previous communication course here at Oklahoma when I was completing my minor requirement for my major. I do believe that with a concentrated effort and confidence in one's self it is possible to expand the limits of your mind in different areas of thought and research. For me there is no plateau in the level one can achieve academically. Initially my first few semesters of college were a struggle for me to adjust to the coursework and the amount of time that would need to be invested into each class, far more than ever was expected of me during my high school days. Since the second semester of my sophomore year though I have noticed a growth in my academic abilities since changing my major to public relations and discovering what major my manner of thinking was best suited for. Going forward I have continued to struggle with procrastinating assignments, hence why I am writing on a Sunday evening at 9:30 when the blog is due by 11:59. Having been introduced to the idea previously I have a decent understanding of the content but am open to learning more about growth mindset. My biggest goal for the semester is to pass my remaining two course and to walk across the stage in May to receive my diploma, symbolizing my four years of work here at the University of Oklahoma.
I can relate in procrastinating all of my assignments indefinitely. I still do it to this day. I never learned about Growth Mindset until this course, but I did take a course on Time Management, and somehow, I still haven't been able to manage my time efficiently. I'm always on the go, so I haven't had a day where I could plan any of it out and actually start fresh. That's awesome that you've only got two courses left! Once again, good luck in your endeavors!